Sunday, March 4, 2012

Contact Paper "Frosted Look" Window Covering

I have a love/hate relationship with the window over my kitchen sink.  While the view is great, there is very little privacy.  I'm not big on curtains as I love letting the natural lighting in.    Window film is expensive and being the cheapskate that I am, I figured I could find a less expensive way to accomplish the look I wanted.  I decided to give clear Con-Tact Brand liner a try.  I'm pleased with the results and the price.  It was easy enough that anyone could complete this project.

I love the view from my kitchen sink and didn't want to
cover the window with blinds or shades. Unfortunately
my front porch is also part of the view.  This translates into
no privacy in my kitchen. 
A few tips for this project~
  • Be sure your window is clean prior to applying Con-Tact liner. 
  • If you are applying large panels at a time, I've heard that Windex can be sprayed on the glass first and it will help you move the liner around until it is in the position you want it in.
  • For a less time consuming way to get a Custom Frosted Window Film watch this video of my most recent project - EASY!!!           
  • Consider other shapes to decorate your window with.  I chose the diamond pattern for the simple clean lines but I think it would be interesting to try some other designs. 
Instead of spending a ton on window film, I decided to use
ordinary clear Con-Tact brand adhesive liner to "frost"
my window.  It cost about $5.50 at my local grocery store.
If your store doesn't carry it, you can purchase it online.

We traced out tons of diamond shapes and cut them out.
I applied the diamonds to my window using a
debit card to smooth out bubbles. 
The finished product - a window with semi-privacy that
still allows light into the room! I think I like it and I love
the cost savings over the window films that I priced!
Close up in the morning light
Full view in the morning light


  1. Groovy. Only frosted glass in our house is the bathroom for the shower. We chose to make the lower hung be frosted and the upper clear. It gives privacy on the private bits and still makes it seem open in the shower being able to see the sky.

    1. Thanks Stay @ Home-Gardener! I also chose to frost just the lower for the same reason! My bathroom is my next project....

  2. I wouldn't like it. I like to be able to look out my windows. I don't like to feel all closed in.

    1. Becky, I totally understand....That's the same reason I didn't want curtains or blinds on this window. I just happen to like standing in my kitchen in my undies sometimes and that wasn't working well with the front porch located right there!

      Thanks for your visit! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    2. I do think it was a very good idea though and may try that for our bathroom window which now has a blind over it.

    3. Thanks Becky! I'm trying my husband's method right now on our bathroom!

  3. I very clever and economical idea! I would waver between the privacy gained and being able to see out the window. Being above the kitchen sink (think splashes and steam rising) I wonder how long the diamonds will stick . . . ?

  4. I wonder too how the diamonds will hold up but I've heard of others using this stuff near their showers so I thought it was worth a try! I will be sure to keep everyone posted on the durability of it.

    Thanks for your visit Mama Pea! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  5. Wonderful idea and beautiful!

    1. Thank you Gail! I'm pleased with it overall but anxious to try my husband's method to see how much time I can save! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Well, I'm sure glad you DID find me, suger! And you definitely don't look old enough to have teenagers or six kids. ;-) It's nice to meet you and I doubt you'll get bored on my blog. Welcome!!!

    1. No, I can't imagine that I'll get bored on your blog! It looks like it's full of good stuff! Thanks so much for your visit!

  7. Neat idea! Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for stopping by. I highly suspect that I won't find anyone to volunteer the cleaning. :-D
    Have a great week.

    1. My pleasure! Darn it on the cleaning! Oh well, we can always hope!

  8. First thanks for following my blog.

    Second you are gorgeous - six children too. Awesome.

    I love the concept of your blog and hope to learn something. I need help. And I love the contact paper on the window - do you just order if over the internet or where?


    1. Sandie,

      It's an honor to have you here! I'm sure I can learn a lot from you as well! In fact, I already have with the wasp spray tip!

      You can order the contact paper on line, I have link in my posting to one place I found it, but I just bought mine a Walmart for under $6!

      I know that some folks prefer to shop on line so I try to include links to the particular products in the text if I can find it.

      Thanks again! Have a wonderful day!

  9. This looks great! You are talented!

    1. Thank you! It's wonderful to have you stop by!

      Have a great week!

  10. What a great solution and nice job. Thank you for visiting Thistle Cove Farm, come back soon.

    1. Thank you Thistle Cove! I sure appreciate your visit as well! I'll see you again soon!

  11. What a great idea! I think I'll have to try that. Thanks for sharing your idea. And, thanks for stopping by earlier!

    1. Lynn,
      I'd love to see how it turns out for you! And it's always enjoyable to visit your blog!

  12. That looks so great! So much better than the sheets of frosted film, this puts a custom look on it! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Ann

    1. It was a pleasure to visit your blog, Ann! I appreciate your vote of confidence on this project. I think it turned out well. I'm in the process of trying a method my husband suggested to save time and will be posting photos of that soon.

      Have a great day!

  13. What a great idea! Love your blog!

  14. What a wonderful and pretty solution for your window. Great idea!


  15. Oh wow!!

    This is awesome. I love it! It would be great above my kitchen sink, too.

    Thanks for the idea!!

  16. I live in Australia , where would I purchase this any ideas, as I would like to put it on my shower glass,
    any replies grateful .
    regards Ellen

    1. Hi Ellen,
      You can purchase the Con-Tact brand liner online if you can't find it in your local market. If you click on the link above in the post, you will see where you purchase from Amazon online.

      Thanks and best wishes for your project!

  17. What size is the diamond stencil you created?!

    1. Oh gosh, it's been so long that I honestly couldn't say! We no longer live in that home. If I had to guess by looking at the credit card in my hand, I'd say somewhere between two and three inches. Sorry for the late response and lack of precise answer! Hope that helps a little at least.

  18. Love this idea! I'm a bit confused tho, you use clear contact paper? What makes it look opaque?

    1. I truly apologize for the delayed response! Your comment was in my spam folder for some reason. Yes I use the clear contact brand paper and it does look opaque when it goes on. Strange but it works great!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us! Please remember to keep your comments clean and kind. Have a great day!